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What is GuineaGIFT?

GuineaGIFT is a program designed to make your holiday gift shopping MUCH easier!  If you've often found that you come up with a great gift idea, only to forget it weeks later, then GuineaGIFT is the program you've been looking for.  With GuineaGIFT, you can store those great gift ideas and much more!   

How do I install GuineaGIFT?

Easy.  Download GuineaGIFT from OUR SOFTWARE page and simply unzip it.  Install the single prc file onto your Palm, and you are ready to go.

Can I run Palm Hacks while using GuineaGIFT?

You can try.  But if GuineaGIFT begins acting odd, turn your hacks off and try again (this applies to any and all software, not just the GuineaSOFT line of products).

How do I register?

Visit our REGISTRATION page for more information!

If I register, will I lose all the data I've entered already?


Questions?  Comments?  Please feel free to contact us.