Updated! Now includes both color and black & white (non-graphical) editions.
Students are often swamped with information... this is especially true for medical students! Wouldn't be nice if would could actually remember all of the pearls of wisdom and mnemonics that we hear every day? Well, unfortunately most of us can't -- but GuineaBRAIN can!
GuineaBRAIN allows students to enter pearls, mnemonics, lecture notes, and other information into their Palms for quick and easy retrieval for reviewing at a later time. You can classify information based on discipline (e.g., cardiololgy, anatomy, etc.) and category (e.g., mnemonic, pearl, lecture, etc.). When viewing entries, you can select to view entries from a particular discipline or category.
Also included in GuineaBRAIN is a scratchpad that permits each entry to have an associated drawing with it. This is great for drawing anatomical sketches, molecules, and more.
GuineaBRAIN is for students of all types (not just medical students!) at all levels of training. Check it out!
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $9.99 !
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It is common knowledge that repetition is the key to learning. I learned quickly in medical school that if I kept track of what topics I've covered and how many times I've repeatedly covered the material, then my grades improved dramatically. I practiced this technique during my first two years of medical school and it saved me on countless times. GuineaCHECK is a program designed to help you keep track of the topics you are covering in class and how many times you've gone through the material. But using GuineaCHECK, you can ensure that you cover all topics equally and thereby be better prepared for your examinations. Give GuineaCHECK a try, and see if this technique works as well for you as it did for me! A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $6.99 !
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Constructing a differential diagnosis for a patient's symptoms is a skill that is crucial to the successful practice of medicine. GuineaDDx is a tool designed to help medical students, interns, and residents develop their ability to construct differential diagnoses. With GuineaDDx, you can create lists of possible differential diagnoses based on a presenting symptom. In addition, each differential also includes a general notepad section which enables you to enter mnemonics or other important information about the differential. GuineaDDx also supports beaming of data so you can share your lists with your colleagues.
Not only is GuineaDDx great for coming up with potential differential diagnoses for your own patients, but GuineaDDx also offers a Quiz Mode. Using the quiz mode, you can randomly move through presenting symptoms while you try to construct an appropriate differential diagnosis.
GuineaDDx is a great tool to have during morning report, grand rounds, or other lectures! Please note that GuineaDDx is not a pre-compiled database of potential differentials. Instead, it is designed for you to enter the data as you encounter it.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $9.99 !
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As a medical student, I am always encountering patients who are unable to communicate (for one reason or another). All too often I end up relying on family members for much of the relevant medical history of the patient. Unfortunately, I often find families unprepared to answer many of my questions dealing with medications, previous hospitalizations, and even the name of family member's primary care physician.
Now, using GuineaFAMILY, it is possible to keep accurate medical records on each family member. Then, when the need for urgent medical care arises, important information is only a few taps away. With GuineaFAMILY, you can assist your loved one's physicians by providing a detailed medical, surgical, social, family and psychiatric history in the event that they cannot provide such information themselves. GuineaFAMILY also stores information regarding laboratory tests and medications, including dosages and frequency of administration.
GuineaFAMILY offers the following features:
- GuineaFAMILY was written by a medical student who interviews families on a daily basis. As a result, you can be sure that the important information you need to have on hand is stored in your Palm.
- Store your entire family's medical histories. While many programs only allow you to store information on yourself, GuineaFAMILY is a complete database permitting as many entries as you Palm's memory can store.
- Capability of beaming medical records to other GuineaFAMILY users. This enables you to fill out your own, and then beam the information to your spouse... and vice versa!
- Store multiple blood pressure readings. Great feature for showing physicians blood pressure trends in hypertensive patients.
- Features a Diabetes Management section with information on specialist visits, recent blood glucose readings, and insulin regimen.
- Ability to set a reminder alarm for each family member. You can now be reminded to set up that important appointment with your loved one's physician! No more missed appointments or missed screening tests.
- Demo version is fully-functional. There are no crippled or disabled features in GuineaFAMILY. So you can feel comfortable entering all of your important data now and decide within thirty days if you wish to register.
With GuineaFAMILY, you can finally take a step at ensuring that your loved one's physicians will get all of the information they need to provide quick and appropriate care to your family member.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $12.99 !
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Have you ever come up with a great idea for a holiday gift for someone, only to forget it weeks later? Or maybe you are out shopping and you can't remember if you bought a birthday card for your friend yet. Or worse, have you ever found that perfect item of clothing but can't remember the size to buy? Well, GuineaGIFT now solves all your gift-buying woes! With GuineaGIFT, you can easily keep track of your gift ideas and purchases for your friends and family.
GuineaGIFT offers the following features:
- Storage of an unlimited number of gift recipients and gifts.
- Beam recipient data, gift data, and event data for friends for strategic shopping!
- Sort recipients into categories (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) for easy viewing.
- Greeting card manager -- never again forget if you bought a greeting card for your friend!
- Event reminders. GuineaGIFT Uses Palm's built-in alarm system to remind you about important events, holidays, etc. that you schedule.
- Storage of clothing sizes for gift recipients.
- You can easily move gifts between recipients with only a tap, or duplicate gift data and assign it to other recipients.
- Demo version is fully-functional. There are no crippled or disabled features in GuineaGIFT. So you can feel comfortable entering all of your important data now and decide within thirty days if you wish to register.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $9.99 !
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Being healthy is more than just losing weight... it's losing weight, excerising, lowering your blood pressure (and for diabetics, lowering your blood sugar). While there are many programs on the market which offer nutritional or exercise diaries, few incorporate all of the facets of good health. Now, with GuineaHEALTH, you can finally use one program to record all of your data as you work towards living a more healthy lifestyle.
You should always consult a physician before starting any lifestyle modification program. But after you do, GuineaHEALTH can be a great tool for you and your physician to track your progress towards a much happier, healthier you!
GuineaHEALTH offers the following features:
- Ability to store dietary information, regardless of the dietary plan you are following.
- Ability to quickly and easily store exercise data.
- Ability to store weight.
- Ability to store blood pressure readings. This is ideal for persons battling high blood pressure who are working to lower their readings by lifestyle modification!
- Ability to store blood glucose readings. This feature is important for diabetics, who can lower their blood sugar by diet and exercise.
- Offers a "miscellaneous diary" section for people who would like to track an activity not already included in GuineaHEALTH.
- Offers a motivation section, where you can enter the reasons for your desired lifestyle modification. GuineaHEALTH also gives you the opportunity to randomly view a motivation. This is a great feature to remind yourself daily of why you are striving for a healthier lifestyle.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $12.99 !
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When we try to make healthy lifestyle changes, it can sometimes be easy to forget to take that 10 minute walk or do that evening yoga session. With GuineaLIVING, you can plan what activities you wish to do during the day and then check them off as you do them. GuineaLIVING stores commonly performed activities so that they can be quickly recalled with drop-down menus when planning your day. You can also enter detailed information about each activity you do during the day, such as new yoga poses you tried or a new park where you took your evening walk. Later, you can review the activities of previous days so you can see your progress as you work to make these healthy activities part of your daily routine.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $9.99 !
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GuineaLOG is a procedure log for medical students, interns and residents. Since we have to record everything we do in the hospital, we might as well make it as easy as possible. With GuineaLOG, you can tap your procedure into your Palm in a matter of seconds. While some Palm users might choose to use the memo pad to enter their data, GuineaLOG allows you to setup the most common procedures you perform, the most common attendings you work with, and the most common locations where you perform these procedures. This information then becomes available in the form of pop-up windows each time you enter a new procedure. Never again will you have to write out those long procedural names with each new log entry. With GuineaLOG, logging your procedures has never been faster!
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Version 1.2 fixes incompatibility problems encountered with Palm OS 5.0.
Includes freeware program GuineaEXPORT! With GuineaEXPORT, you can now print procedure logs by exporting your GuineaLOG data to a memo pad file for beaming to infrared printers or printing from your desktop computer (using your Palm Desktop).
GuineaEXPORT is included in the GuineaLOG zip file. If you would like to download GuineaEXPORT individually, click here.
Register for only $9.99 !
ATTENTION REGISTERED USERS: To receive an updated, registered copy of the latest version of GuineaLOG, contact support@GuineaSOFT.net. You will receive your registered version via e-mail with 24-36 hours of your request.
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GuineaMEDS is designed to make it easy for you to manage your prescription medications. Have you ever been at work and rembered that you needed to call in a prescription refill, only to realize that you don't remember your pharmacy's phone number? Or maybe you don't have your refill number, so you end up sitting on hold waiting to talk to the pharmacist. With GuineaMEDS, you can store all of this information in one place so that it is available right when you need it!
GuineaMEDS offers the following features:
- Ability to store an unlimited number of prescription medications.
- Ability to enter dosage, instructions, cautions, and refill information for your prescription medications.
- Ability to set a refill reminder for each medication. Your Palm's alarm will be activated on the date you select to be reminded.
- Ability to store pharmacy information, including telephone, address, website, and miscellaneous notes.
- Ability to store contact information for your physicians. Each medication can be easily linked to one of the physicians in your physician database.
- Ability to enter physician appointment data and appointment reminders. Your Palm's alarm will be activated on the date you choose to be reminded about your physician appointment.
- Includes a question database so that you can enter questions regarding your medications so that they are easily accessible when you visit your pharmacist or physician.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $12.99 !
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It is no secret that getting into medical school is the top priority of every pre-medical student. Deciding what medical schools to apply to is one of the most important decisions a pre-medical student can make. By thoroughly researching medical schools, the astute pre-medical student can dramatically improve his/her chances of acceptance into a medical school program.
GuineaMEDSCHOOL is a PDA utility which allows pre-medical students to store important data about medical schools. Because this information is kept on a PDA, data can be entered from anywhere (a medical school interview, a school tour, at a dinner with a medical student, etc.). GuineaMEDSCHOOL is specifically designed to store the data premedical students need to know about their prospective medical schools. This data includes: admission statistics, tuition, personal contacts within the school, and much more.
GuineaMEDSCHOOL offers the following features:
- Ability to store school statistics such as MCAT scores, average GPA, and average number of applicants.
- Ability to beam school data to other GuineaMEDSCHOOL users.
- Ability to enter reminders specific to a school (such as application deadline) that will then activate the Palm's alarm system.
- Ability to store pros and cons about each school in order to facilitate proper decision making.
- Ability to track your application status from the primary application process to acceptance!
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $7.99 !
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Have you ever walked into a bookstore and forgot what books you have been interested in reading? Or maybe you've walked into a video store but can never remember which movies you have been wanting to rent. And how many times have your friends recommended an album, website or a restaurant only to have you forget it later. Now, you can let GuineaMEMORY store this information for you. GuineaMEMORY allows you to quickly and easily enter information on books, movies, restaurants, websites, albums, and more. This information is filed so that when you walk into to the bookstore (or video store, etc.) a quick tap will list all of the books you have been wanting to purchase. Even better, you can beam your recommendations to other GuineaMEMORY users!
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $12.99 !
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Imagine being on call... your pager goes off... it's the nurse... another case of chest pain. You wonder to yourself, "What's the differential diagnosis again? What did I do last time?"
GuineaONCALL is the medical student, intern, and resident's friend when taking call. This program enables you to enter data about particular chief complaints that you've been called about while on call. The chief complaints can be categorized by system for easy look up while taking that elevator ride to the patient that needs you. With GuineaONCALL, you can remind yourself of things you've forgotten to do in the past or record your past successes to ensure future success!
Features include:
- Quick at-a-glance access to differential diagnosis, labs to order, imaging studies to order, management, and more.
- Ability to classify chief complaints by system for quick retrieval.
- Scratchpad available for quick drawing of radiographs or other information.
- Ability to beam your data to other users with GuineaONCALL.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $9.99 !
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Finally! A patient tracker designed for your pediatric patients. GuineaPEDS is similar in design to GuineaTRACKER, however numerous additions have been made to make it more applicable to pediatric patients. Like GuineaTRACKER, GuineaPEDS features "at a glace" data viewing. With GuineaPEDS, you won't find CBCs and chemistries scattered on different screens requiring multiple taps just to get basic information. Instead, CBCs and blood chemistries appear on a summary screen with an option to display additional information.
GuineaPEDS offers the following features:
- Friendly, easy-to-use interface.
- Storage of detailed patient data including parental contact information, birth/development/feeding history, immunization history, laboratory values, demographic information, imaging studies, histories, to do lists, physicals, assessments, plans, personal notes and much more.
- Option to define how patients are classified (e.g., hospital, clinic, etc.) and ability to view patients in a particular class.
- All patient data fields are optional. Use GuineaPEDS to keep incredibly verbose data, or simply use it to store your hospital census for morning rounds.
- At-a-glance lab viewing (CBC and chemistry panels appear on a summary screen).
- Beaming of patient record to other GuineaPEDS users.
- To do list has a reminder option which will activate the Palm's alarm system.
- 30 day demo version is not crippled in any way.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $14.49 !
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Throughout our medical training, we begin to develop a personal pharmacopeia. That is, we begin to create a mental list of our favorite medications that we prescribe for our patients. GuineaPHARM is a freeware utility to help us manage our personal pharmacopeias. With GuineaPHARM, important drug information (dosage, adverse reactions, contraindications, etc.) is stored and then made available for quick and easy lookup. Drugs may also be classified into different categories for faster retrieval. GuineaPHARM is also great for storing mnemonics about a medication's side effects, or other characteristic.
With GuineaPHARM, only the information YOU enter is stored in the database. This allows you to enter only the information you consider most important about a medication. As you build your personal pharmacopeia, you will appreciate not having to look-up information in those large Palm medication databases where you end up scrolling through countless screens looking for the information you need. Furthermore, you can assign drugs a rank based on a scale of 1 to 5 so that your favorite drugs appear at the top of your list.
Overall, GuineaPHARM is a great way for us to learn and review important information for our favorite medications.
Best of all, GuineaPHARM is completely FREE!
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GuineaPROJECT is a school project manager for high school and college students. When those big end-of-the-semester projects come do, let GuineaPROJECT help you stay organized. With GuineaPROJECT, your project requirements, thesis, ideas, brainstorming, bibliography, and research findings are all kept in one place. GuineaPROJECT even supports team projects, with a built-in address book for team members! You can even assign your team members responsibilities so you always know what aspects of the project each member is addressing. Even better, you can beam your partner your research findings and bibliographic references! There's no limit to the number of projects GuineaPROJECT will manage, so this program is great for students at all academic levels.
GuineaPROJECT offers the following features:
- Management of an unlimited number of projects.
- Support for team projects. Enter team members names, link them to projects, enter their contact information, assign them responsibilities, and much more.
- Bibliography database allows you to enter all of the resources you've used to research your project. Link your findings directly to bibliographic authors for easy citation.
- Project "to-do list" has a reminder feature which will activate your Palm's alarm system.
- Beam project information, team member information, research findings, or bibliographic information to other GuineaPROJECT users.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $9.99 !
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GuineaPSYCH is a Palm application that assists medical students and physicians in tracking their psychiatric patients. While there are many patient trackers available, there are few that were written specifically for psychiatry. With GuineaPSYCH, it is easy to enter psychiatric information like the DSM-IV Multiaxial Assessment Diagnosis, results of your mental status exam, past psychiatric history, and much more. In addition, users can share their patient data by simply beaming the patient record to the other user's Palm.
GuineaPSYCH offers the following features:
- Storage of detailed patient data including DSM-IV Multiaxial Assessment Diagnosis, laboratory values useful for psychiatry (e.g., drug levels, thyroid profiles, etc.), demographic information, imaging studies, histories, to do lists, physicals, assessments, plans, personal notes and much more.
- Option to define how patients are classified (e.g., hospital, clinic, etc.) and ability to view patients in a particular class.
- All patient data fields are optional. Use GuineaPSYCH to keep incredibly verbose data, or simply use it to store your hospital census for morning rounds.
- At-a-glance lab viewing (CBC and chemistry panels appear on a summary screen).
- Beaming of patient record to other GuineaPSYCH users.
- To do list has a reminder option that will activate the Palm's alarm system.
- Export patient identification data to memo pad files for printing, storage, etc. (using freeware program GuineaEXPORT -- included in GuineaPSYCH zip file).
- 30 day demo version is not crippled in any way.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
NEW! Now includes freeware program GuineaEXPORT! With GuineaEXPORT, you can now create patient logs by exporting your patient identification data to a memo pad file for beaming to infrared printers or printing from your desktop computer (using your Palm Desktop).
GuineaEXPORT is included in the GuineaPSYCH zip file. If you would like to download GuineaEXPORT individually, click here.
Register for only $14.49 !
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GuineaQUIZ Lite 1.0 for SmallBASIC
GuineaQUIZ Lite 1.0 for SmallBASIC is a freeware quiz program which allows you to write questions and answers into your memopad and then be quizzed on them. This software is great for students! Source code is included.
SmallBASIC MUST be installed on your PDA in order for GuineaQUIZ to work. SmallBASIC is free and is available here.
Free !
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Attending physicians are often hard pressed to find good Palm software to manage their census and billing data. Patient trackers often store too much information and lack options for entering billing data. And using the Palm's memo pad to store census and billing data is just too time consuming. GuineaROUNDS, however, may be just what every Palm-savy physician has been looking for! GuineaROUNDS manages both your census and billing information with quick and easy data entry.
GuineaROUNDS offers the following features:
- Ability to assign patients to different hospitals, thus giving you an at-a-glance census for each hospital where you make rounds.
- Each patient record stores an optional to-do list with a reminder feature that activates your Palm's alarm (never again forget to call a patient's family members).
- Option to beam individual records or the entire billing and/or census database. (Beam your entire billing record for the day to your secretary!)
- Ability to export census and billing database to Palm DOC files for data retrieval and manipulation on your desktop computer.
- Commonly entered data, such as billing codes, can be stored and accessed via a pull-down menu for fast data entry.
The demo version of GuineaROUNDS if fully-functional, so you can try it before you buy it!
Register for only $19.99 !
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Planning your college course schedule can be a time consuming and frustrating endeavor. With GuineaSCHEDULE, scheduling classes has just gotten much easier. GuineaSCHEDULE allows you to store course data (course name, meeting days, time, professors, etc.) for classes that you need for your degree. Best of all, GuineaSCHEDULE allows you to design your course schedule semester by semester. With GuineaSCHEDULE, you can move your courses between semesters instantly and then view your updated semester. GuineaSCHEDULE even provides a memo pad for each course so that you can store those great, course-specific tidbits of wisdom you get from upperclassmen and then access those facts later, when you really need them. Finally, it is always better to take classes with your friends, so GuineaSCHEDULE permits you to beam course data to your friends so they know what classes you will be taking. So start planning ahead, today... with GuineaSCHEDULE!
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Register for only $9.99 !
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Color Edition |

Black and White Edition |
GuineaTRACKER is a program designed for medical students and physicians to track their patients in the hospital or outpatient setting. GuineaTRACKER differs from other patient trackers on the market by its principle of "at a glace" data viewing. With GuineaTRACKER, you won't find CBCs and chemistries scattered on different screens requiring multiple taps just to get basic information. Instead, CBCs and blood chemistries appear on a summary screen with an option to display additional information.
GuineaTRACKER offers the following features:
- Friendly, easy-to-use interface.
- Storage of detailed patient data including laboratory values, demographic information, imaging studies, histories, to do lists, physicals, assessments, plans, personal notes and much more.
- Option to define how patients are classified (e.g., hospital, clinic, etc.) and ability to view patients in a particular class.
- All patient data fields are optional. Use GuineaTRACKER to keep incredibly verbose data, or simply use it to store your hospital census for morning rounds.
- At-a-glance lab viewing (CBC and chemistry panels appear on a summary screen).
- Beaming of patient record to other GuineaTRACKER users.
- To do list has a reminder option which will activate the Palm's alarm system.
- Personal notes and imaging studies have a scratchpad which allows freehand sketching.
- Export patient identification data to memo pad files for printing, storage, etc. (using freeware program GuineaEXPORT -- included in GuineaTRACKER zip file).
- 30 day demo version is not crippled in any way. Registration is only $9.99 and therefore GuineaTRACKER is considerably cheaper than other patient trackers available.
Changes in GuineaTRACKER 2.1:
- Fixed incompatibility issues encountered with some Palm OS 5.0 handhelds.
Changes in GuineaTRACKER 2.0:
- Completely redesigned graphical interface.
- Includes black and white edition for users with non-color LCD screens or limited storage space.
- Patient database completely restructured (therefore you must uninstall prior version of GuineaTRACKER before installing version 2.0 -- see below).
- Restructured medication section to provide better viewing of allergies and medications.
- Added OB/GYN history into medical history.
- Added "other" section under medical history for entering miscellaneous data.
- Enlarged table on main screen permitting the display of more patients.
- Improved navigation within medical history, physical exam, and SOAP notes.
- Added O2 saturation as vital sign.
- Added microbiology to laboratory data.
- Added urine analysis/culture to laboratory data.
- GuineaEXPORT 2.0 released with GuineaTRACKER 2.0.
A fully-functional 30-day demo version is now available for download.
Includes freeware program GuineaEXPORT 2.0! With GuineaEXPORT, you can now print patient logs by exporting your patient identification data to a memo pad file for beaming to infrared printers or printing from your desktop computer (using your Palm Desktop).
Register for only $14.49 !
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