What is GuineaQUIZ Lite?
GuineaQUIZ Lite is a SmallBASIC program that allows you to write questions and answers into your memopad that will then be asked to you in a flashcard format. It requires that you have a free copy of SmallBASIC installed on your Palm.
How do I install GuineaQUIZ Lite?
GuineaQUIZ Lite requires that your Palm have a copy of SmallBASIC installed. SmallBASIC is a free version of the the BASIC programming language and it is available at http://smallbasic.sourceforge.net/index.shtml. Installing SmallBASIC will allow you to both run and modify GuineaQUIZ Lite. When you have installed both, you start GuineaQUIZ Lite by clicking on the SmallBASIC icon in your Palm launcher, then selecting the GuineaQUIZ program, and clicking RUN.
I just installed GuineaQUIZ, but I can't find the icon for it. What gives?
You won't find an icon for it. GuineaQUIZ Lite is written in SmallBASIC and therefore must be run from within SmallBASIC. So just click the SmallBASIC icon to start SmallBASIC, select GuineaQUIZ from the list of programs, and then click RUN.
How do I make a new quiz?
Easy! Open your memo pad and start writing away. Put "Q=" at the beginning of the line for questions, and "A=" at the beginning of the line for answers. Each question should have an answer immediately following. Check out the following example:
Q=What is the capital of Florida?
Q=What is the capital of New York?
This example has a title (the first line), two questions, and two answers.
Is there a limit to the number of questions and answers I can put into a memo?
Yes there is. Palm memos are limited to about 4k in size, which isn't much but should be enough for you to have a decent sized quiz available. When writing the memo into the memopad, your palm will inform you when you've reached the maximum length allowed by the memopad.
Why is GuineaQUIZ so slow to start?
GuineaQUIZ is written in SmallBASIC, which is an interpreted language, not a compiled language. As a result, execution time will be noticeably slower that other programs written in compiled languages (such as C).
Why did you write in SmallBASIC?
The BASIC language has a very special place in my heart! It was the first computer language I learned back in the early 1980's and the language I enjoy programming in the most. SmallBASIC is a free software package available for multiple platforms, including (obviously) PalmOS. In addition to a few commercial software products, I intend to write a number of simple, small SmallBASIC programs that will be available for free to the general public.
So the source code is included. Can I modify it?
If you can figure out my code, you are more than welcome to play around with the source code and modifying it for your needs! Just please do not re-release the software as your own. Doing so is both unethical and a violation of my copyright. Be aware, however, that my source code is not pretty. I do all of my programming on my Palm so this limits my screensize to 38 characters in width. As a result, I do not do any indenting. Furthermore, because I write quickly and because my SmallBASIC programs tend to be pretty small, I do not comment my SmallBASIC code. Therefore, my code may difficult to follow.
Can I run Palm Hacks while using GuineaQUIZ?
You can try. But if GuineaQUIZ begins acting odd, turn your hacks off and try again (this applies to any and all software, not just the GuineaSOFT line of products).
DOWNLOAD GuineaQUIZ Lite 1.0 for SmallBASIC: