What is GuineaDDx?
GuineaDDx is a program which enables you to store lists of differential diagnoses based on a presenting symptom. You can then pull this information up when you need in a clinical setting, or even use the quiz feature to improve your skill at producing a differential diagnosis.
How do I install GuineaDDx?
Easy. Download GuineaDDx from OUR SOFTWARE page and simply unzip it. Then, install the three Palm files (one .prc and two .pdb files) onto your Palm, and you are ready to go.
I downloaded GuineaDDx, but the database only has three lists. Where is the rest of the data?
GuineaDDx is not a pre-compiled database of potential diagnoses. Instead, it is a utility for you to enter possible differentials as you encounter this information in your medical training.
Can I run Palm Hacks while using GuineaDDx?
You can try. But if GuineaDDx begins acting odd, turn your hacks off and try again (this applies to any and all software, not just the GuineaSOFT line of products).
How do I register?
Simple. Visit our REGISTRATION page for more information.